Saturday, November 21
“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1
Jesus has set you free; don’t let yourself be enslaved again. It’s easy to see certain things that can trap us, like addiction, anger, lust. But some entrapments are more covert. Avoid the trap of perfectionism. Jesus called you to be free, but that doesn’t mean you won’t make mistakes. Give yourself some grace! Avoid legalism. Don’t become like the pharisees, being so focused on rules instead of being focused on loving others. Avoid the trap of conformism. Don’t let yourself care more about what the world has to say than what Jesus has to say. Out of your freedom, give grace, love others, and follow Jesus!
Do any of these traps have a hold on your life today? Ask Jesus again for the freedom that He’s so ready to give and choose to walk in His freedom today.
Jesus, thank you for setting me free. I ask today that you’d set me free from ________ . Forgive me for letting myself become ensnared. Help me to show grace to myself and others, to love people well even when I want to see things in black and white, and most of all care what you have to say about me more than anything else. I want to follow you. Amen.