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Sunday, February 28 2021

Honor is our Attitude


Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Romans 12:10



Take that verse to heart, and not only show honor to other people but try to outdo one another in showing honor.



The Bible says that there are several different groups we should honor. 

From honoring our parents (Exodus 20:12)

Honoring those in authority (Romans 13:1-7)

Honoring spiritual leaders (1 Timothy 5:17)

And one another in Romans 12.

Is there a situation or relationship in which you need to restore your expression of honor? Consider how you can honor your parents, step-parents, or mother/father-figures. How do you show honor to those in authority over you? How do you honor God in your life?



Heavenly Father please help me to be a person of honor and to give honor freely. In Jesus name, amen.