Sunday, February 7
Praying Scripture
“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11
We take our faith to another level when we start to memorize scripture. His words are living; when you put them in your mind, they are life-giving to your heart. Scripture is a powerful tool to have internalized for whatever situations we face. It anchors us, encourages us, and combats the lies of the enemy when we’ve committed it to memory.
Pick a scripture or two to memorize this week. Maybe it’s a scripture you hear mentioned in service today. Maybe you’re facing something challenging, and you need to find some scriptures to put in your heart to combat it. Let internalizing the word of God bring life to you today.
Jesus, I want to hide your words in my heart. Help me to find some scriptures to memorize today and bring them to mind when I need them most. Thank you that your word is powerful and combats the lies of the enemy. Help me to fill my heart with your truth. Amen.