Tuesday, January 5
Accomplishment Over Activity
“But Moses’ father-in-law said to him, “This isn’t the right way to do this. It is too much work for you to do alone. You cannot do this job by yourself. It wears you out. And it makes the people tired too.” Exodus 18:17-18
You’re going to be busy doing things, but are they the right things? Moses was wearing himself out with his busy-ness, trying to be all things for all people. It was taxing to himself and to those he was trying to serve. He needed to refocus on the few things the Lord was calling him to do with excellence, and let other people help him carry the load.
Go for accomplishment instead of activity. Don’t burn yourself out in the service of things God hasn’t called you to do. Ask the Lord today to define for you the things you should be spending your time and energy on, and the things that He wants you to let go of.
Jesus, help me to see where I need to draw the line between being busy for the sake of doing, and being busy in the pursuit of accomplishing what you want me to. Help me to draw the boundaries I need to draw to protect the tasks and people that you’ve called me to put my energy towards. Amen.