Wednesday, January 13
Act in Faith
“Then He touched their eyes and said, ‘According to your faith will it be done to you.’” Matthew 9:29
We need to act in faith. If we don’t have faith, we won’t see the changes we want actualized. When we make mistakes or identify things that we want to change, if we don’t believe that it can happen, then it won’t.
If you find yourself struggling to believe that change can happen, take some practical steps to increase your faith. Stay in the Word of God. Memorize promises found in scripture. Then when you hear the disbelief in your internal dialogue, speak the promises you’ve memorized. Believe that God will help you to make the changes today.
Jesus, I believe that I can do all things through you. I know that even when I doubt the changes I want to make that through you, it can happen. Lord increase my faith today. Amen.