To Know God, Be Restored, Uncover Purpose, and Live Sent is the mission of New Life Church.
The School of Christian Leadership is designed to continue developing a personal relationship
with Jesus Christ.
This program is New Life Church’s leadership pipeline. Our goal is to uncover purpose, to train and equip Christian leaders with the tools to influence others for the cause of Jesus.
Pathways is specifically for those in pastoral leadership development, and those wanting to grow deeper in Christian Leadership and their faith.
This certificate program is a 2-Year Program (3 Trimesters per year) is offered as an extension of New Hope International in partnership with New Hope Christian College, an ABHE nationally accredited institution. The School of Christian Leadership (SCL) certificate is a 15 to 24-month customizable hybrid model, a combination of in-person and online learning, designed to be presented in a local church setting. This certificate program will require approximately 5-hours per week for each course.
Each course is 10 weeks $299 per course.
Weekly & In-Person Only
Weekly reading, writing, and quizzes
*Can sign up for individual courses
Location: Southwest Campus (Tuesdays 6:30pm-8:30pm)
Classes Available
Church History – Fall 2024
Orientation: 9/10/24, First class meeting: 9/17/24, Final class meeting 11/26/24
This course gives each student a broad understanding of how the modern Church came to be, from the early church fathers, the Crusades, Reformation, Schisms, denominations, revivals, and even the erosion and compromise of faith in our modern society. The need to comprehend the course of church history is essential to leadership. As someone once said, “He who is a poor student of our history, is a poor leader for our future.”
Apologetics – Winter 2025
This course will discuss, as 1 Peter 3:15 describes: “To be ready always to give an answer to every man who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you.” The world is asking questions about God, God’s purpose for their existence, why bad things happen to good people, morality, end times, etc. We need to be prepared to provide answers that are true to the word of God, addressing the needs of people in today’s culture.
Pastoral Practicum – Spring 2025
These are the skills and competencies that any pastoral leader will require in carrying out his or her duties. This will include the necessity for each student to lead something – a ministry or a duty in order to put to use what God has been teaching the student. This course will cover the basics of crafting sermons, weddings, funerals, prayer, etc.
Biblical Theology – Fall 2025
This course forms the basis of all Christian leadership. Our main course book is the Bible and understanding the plan of God as written in the Scriptures which will establish the spiritual GPS of the SCL course. The session includes Old Testament Survey - Pentateuch, Prophets, and Poets; New Testament Survey, and how to study the Bible (Hermeneutics).
Life Skills for Leaders – Winter 2026
This courses addresses developing the character of a leader. It will address both the internal life of the leader and relational skills. Nine essential leadership topics are presented. The topics include character development, attitudes of a leader, the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, establishing credibility, building trust and critical leadership thinking.
Creative Biblical Communication – Spring 2026