What is Growth Track?
Growth Track is designed to communicate the New Life Church mission, core values, next steps in a persons spiritual journey, and ways to be connected. The classes are held at each campus and span over three weeks. RSVP below to attend.
RSVP for Growth Track
Step One
Learn New Life Church's unique history, who we are, and what we believe. This includes our church mission, core values, purpose, and what it means to be a participating member of the church. Step One happens the first Sunday of every month.
Step Two
Explore the unique design and gifts that God has created in you. As well as uncover how your life experiences, personality, spiritual gifting, and passions work together to fulfill God’s plan for your life. This will help you find a place to thrive and contribute to God’s family. Step Two happens the second Sunday of every month.
Step Three
Reflect on where we’ve been and discuss the next steps to serving the body of Christ. Campus leaders will be in attendance, at the close of the class, to meet and tell you about the various ministries and how to get you plugged into the Dream Team. Step Three happens the third Sunday of every month.