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Saturday, April 10

Say It Or Don’t Say It



Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.” Psalm 141:3



The words we choose to speak can be an act of worship. So often we think words of encouragement, but we don’t speak them out loud. Oftentimes, it’s God who is giving us those urges to compliment and encourage. Other times, we need to put a guard on our mouth and not say things that would tear someone else down. Thankfully, we have access to the Holy Spirit who can lead us in discerning what to say and when, if we’ll let Him.



Ask the Lord to help you worship Him through your speech. Tune in to His promptings of encouragement to those around you. Take the negative comments you have and submit them to the Lord before you speak them out loud. Honor the Lord with your words today.



Lord, I surrender my words to you. I ask that you’d use the words I speak as a tool to build up those around me. Guard my mouth and keep me from saying things that I’ll regret or that will hurt someone else. I want to worship you with my words today Jesus. Amen.