Saturday, December 5
“For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” Matthew 7:14
God’s plan is bigger than our own, but His plan is often harder too. Following God isn’t an easy, or popular, road to walk. Trusting God can be costly – it can cost you friends, it can require patience, and even cause confusion as you wait. It isn’t easy, but it is (literally) eternally worth it.
If you’re in a place where you’re questioning why God’s plans are so hard, don’t give up. Things may not make sense yet, but in His timing they will. Trust in Him, and follow wherever He leads.
Lord, help me to hold onto your plans for my life. I want to trust you, and I don’t want to step off the path you have for me. Help me to stay on course, even when things seem impossible and hard. Amen.