Tuesday, April 6
Kneeling Before God
“For it is written, ‘As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.’” Romans 14:11
Kneel – To show submission to. When we physically kneel before God, we are surrendering to Him. It’s a physical act of submission in our prayer and worship. It’s also a show of humility when we bow down in deference to the sovereignty of God.
Try adding kneeling to your prayer time this week. When you get out of bed in the morning, kneel down and surrender the day to the Lord. Surrender your worries, surrender your plans, and worship Him for the power that He has in your life!
Lord, I kneel before you and thank you for your greatness. You are God of this world, and you are God of my life. I surrender this day to you, and I ask that your will be done. Amen.