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Monday, January 11

How To Respond To Failure



For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.” Romans 3:23-24



We all sin and fail sometimes. When it comes to failure, our tendency is to look down. We can blow up, cover up, or we become hesitant about moving forward. Sometimes we speed up, hoping our speed makes the mistake unnoticeable. Sometimes we back up, to undo or defend our mistakes. And sometimes, we just give up. We all mess up. But when we mess up, we want to turn to Jesus, the one who can take our mistakes and turn them around for good.



If you identified with one of the failure tendencies mentioned above, take a moment right now to stop and look up. Ask God to forgive you for trying to handle your failure on your own. Thank Him for His grace, that frees us from the weight of our mistakes. Choose today to move forward focused on Jesus and not your failures.



Jesus, thank you for your grace that covers all of my failures. I ask for your forgiveness for letting my sins take my focus off of you. Help me to leave my sins behind and walk into this new day centered in you. Amen.