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Thursday, October 1


O Lord, I have so many enemies, so many are against me. So many are saying, ‘God will never rescue him!’ But you, O Lord, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high.” Psalm 3:1-3



David was always honest with God about how he was feeling. But he always ends his Psalms reminding himself who God is. He would shift from the reality of what he could see and feel in the moment, to the spiritual reality of what was true with God.



It’s okay to be honest about your reality, but don’t let it limit the Spiritual reality that is only possible with God. He is not limited by what you can see in that moment. Shift your focus today, and remind yourself WHO God is in every circumstance.



God you are my refuge, my strength, my provider. I can run to you and find safety. You never leave me or abandon me. Your love overcomes all. Help me to see __________ with eyes of spiritual reality, and not the limited reality that I can see. Amen.