Monday, November 16
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever… You are my God, and I will praise you; you are my God, and I will exalt you.” Psalm 118:1,28
This Psalm is a combination of praise because God is good, and the decision of the author to focus on God’s goodness. It repeats the declarative “I will” statements eight times. Regardless of the hardships the author was facing, because he knew God was good and trustworthy, he chose to set his mind and focus on that.
How are you doing today? Are you feeling stuck, trapped, or weighed down by negativity? Like the author of this Psalm, you have a choice to make today. You can focus on the goodness of God even in the midst of the worst day, and in so doing you can will a better day into existence. There is power in your decisions and your attitude. Use them wisely today!
Lord I thank you because you are good and your love for me never runs out. Regardless of what I face today, I choose to set my mind on you. I choose to praise you. I choose to be grateful because of who you are in my life, and because I know that I can trust you. Thank you Lord for this day and every provision you have made for me. Amen.