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Tuesday, April 13

Weight of Words



So I spoke the message as he commanded me, and breath came into their bodies. They all came to life and stood up on their feet- a great army. 

Ezekiel 37:10 



The Lord commanded Ezekiel to speak a prophetic message over a valley of dry bones. When he did, the bones began to come to life. Three times, the Lord commanded Ezekial to speak over the bodies. First to the bones so that they could form bodies. Next to the bodies so that they may breathe. Lastly, to the men that they return home so that the people would know that He is Lord. 



God is showing us the power of our words. When we encounter troublesome situations, it’s natural for our flesh to lean on the negative. We start to use negative self-talk and language and are essentially speaking death over the situation. God wants us to prophesy life over death. There is power in our words. 



Lord, in the beginning, it was your Word that created the heavens and the earth. If words are that powerful, how much can we do in our own lives and in the lives of others when we choose to speak life instead of death? Help us to lean on your word and your wisdom as we walk on both mountain tops and valleys. There is nothing you can’t restore. Amen.